
当现代创新和百年的职业道德发生冲突时,会发生什么? You get a powerful combination that produces a masterful real estate team, with a firm foundation, a solid background, and results.

Mission Statement

We pledge to offer the best-in-class customer service through leveraging technology, Real-Time 沟通,以及对投资者、业主和租户的持续教育. We continue to strive to be the most respected leader in the industry, and strengthen our presence for Real Estate Investment Services in the area of residential sales, leasing, and property management in Texas.

Vision Statement

To improve the lives of real estate investors and residents through property management and sales 解决方案.

Meet the Broker

Picture of Kathy Scott
Kathy Scott, REALTOR ®
Broker, President

During her 30 years marketing and managing property Kathy has helped thousands of families meet their real estate needs. 在获得她的房地产经纪执照之前 专门从事单户销售和多户菲律宾十大彩票平台. 在她的 career, she participated in multi-family and investment due diligence, market evaluations, and purchases including conventional and student properties.

Her career started in 1990, and since then she has managed thousands of homes, supervised 团队成员众多,审阅了数万份合同.

凯西在住宅和住宅社区重建方面有经验. 在她的 career, she has had the opportunity to oversee “Flipping Communities” by taking distressed apartment communities and single-family homes, reconstructing them, and then aggressively reimaging the community and increasing revenue.

A real estate innovator, Kathy has a thorough understanding of student and conventional 市场,并具有评估财产及其价值的知识. Having many years of experience marketing property for sale and for lease, Kathy incorporates her experience in 了解目标市场,以及优秀的摄影,家庭布置,和一个 thorough appreciation for details to successfully facilitate sales, leasing, and property management transactions.

(979) 695-3300 info@LeaseTexas.com


Picture of Paula Hardee
Paula Hardee-Bellar, REALTOR®

Paula comes to Texas Prime Real Estate & Blue Ribbon Property Management with years of corporate, sales, and real estate experience. 她对社区、对人、对家庭有着真正的热情!

Paula担任Texas Prime Real Estate的运营总监 & 蓝丝带菲律宾十大彩票平台公司,是德克萨斯州持牌房地产经纪人®. She has experience in residential, 土地, investment sales, 以及大沃斯堡市场的菲律宾十大彩票平台, Brazos Valley, and the Lake Livingston areas.

Her real estate career began as a website coordinator for a local real estate company in Cleburne, TX. Watching other agents in the office sparked her desire to obtain her Real Estate License in 2004. She was nominated for Rookie of the Year in 2005. 在过去的5年里,她一直专注于住宅销售和菲律宾十大彩票平台.

她的内心是一个仆人,她是母亲、祖母和狗妈妈! Involved in her community, she volunteers as a Poll Worker during elections and has been serving on various committees and professional organization boards which included the Johnson County Child Protective Services Board.

Paula and Monte reside in Godley Texas with their 2 dogs and she works remotely supporting the College Station home office. 宝拉很高兴能成为德州顶级房地产公司的一员 & Blue Ribbon Property Management team and works hard to support the team and her clients as she continues to build her Real Estate business.

(817) 404-9569 Paula@LeaseTexas.com Follow Paula on 脸谱网
Picture of Taylor Sparkman
Taylor Sparkman, REALTOR®

Taylor is a Texas Prime Realtor who believes in the power of companionship and proficiency. She takes pride in building relationships with each client and ensuring they are having a “prime” experience. Taylor is known for wearing a lot of hats and has worked in several positions at Blue Ribbon. 泰勒现在努力在未来两年内获得经纪人执照. When Taylor is not helping someone find a home, you can find her at Crossfit SDA, walking her two French bulldogs, or at the park with her husband and son.

Picture of Lynne Bradley
Lynne Bradley
Accounts Receivable / Assistant Property Manager

Lynne的职业生涯始于AC公司的调度和客户服务, 在维护和客户服务领域获得无与伦比的经验. As an Assistant Property Manager at Blue Ribbon, she oversees rental payments, 还有租客保险和租客违规. 对林恩来说,了解房客的故事是这个角色最有价值的部分. Lynne enjoys baking and sewing. 在她空闲的时候,你会发现她在玩多米诺骨牌.

Picture of Cara Miller
Cara Miller, REALTOR®
Director of Marketing, Realtor

卡拉在房地产行业工作了6年, continuing to build on her experience in 买家, 投资, Property Management, 和租赁. As a seasoned Real Estate 代理, Cara is passionate about the customer relationships she builds. She has developed a unique perspective when it comes to being unassuming with all clients and ensuring that each person finds a home that best suits them whether buying, 销售, 或租赁. In Cara’s words, “Everyone deserves a home.” Outside of Real Estate, Cara enjoys traveling and watching her kids pursue their hockey journey.

Picture of 亚历克西斯主教
租赁 Assistant

亚历克西斯是蓝丝带公司的租赁助理,负责申请, 续签, and move-ins and loves creating new relationships. 亚历克西斯的, helping navigate tenant issues to the proper department and receiving appreciative feedback from a tenant is the best part of the job. 她目前的目标之一是获得德州房地产执照. Her impressive background allows her to communicate professionally and multitask while ensuring quality results. 在她的业余时间,亚历克西斯喜欢旅行观看各种德克萨斯乡村艺术家.

Picture of Stephanie Out土地
Stephanie Out土地
Bookkeeping/Accounts Payable

知识渊博,工作勤奋,思维敏捷,这就是斯蒂芬妮. Serving as Accounts Payable at Blue Ribbon, Stephanie takes on challenging responsibilities, such as billing, owner approvals, and paying vendors. On a mission to get the job done, she is focused on improving our billing process and ensuring that all aspects of accounts payable are completed in a timely manner. Stephanie is a lifetime resident of Bryan/College Station and enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons. 问斯蒂芬妮卡拉ok之夜的事,这是她的秘密天赋.

Picture of 尼尔•斯科特
Construction and Remodel Superintendent

Picture of Angelina Barrera
布丽安娜 Hoefer
维护 Assistant

布里安娜是我们的维修助理,她负责上机检查, property inspections, 迁出和迁入步行以及马特波特照片. 布丽安娜's upbringing was deeply rooted in the world of property management and maintenance, thanks to both her parents. 见证父亲转型为定制房屋建筑商, 布丽安娜, who was homeschooled, found herself on job sites, learning the trade side by side with him. Beyond her professional endeavors, 天气允许的时候,她喜欢自己动手做项目和美化环境. A proud mother, she shares creative moments with her daughter through activities like painting and organizing. In moments of relaxation, 布里安娜和她的澳大利亚玩具依偎在一起, immersed in the pages of a good book. Guided by the Golden Rule, 她在生活中非常尊重他人的时间和资源, treating them as if they were her own. 布丽安娜热切期待与您合作的机会, bringing her wealth of experience, 奉献, 以及对她周围人的幸福的真诚承诺. 布丽安娜 is also working on getting her Real Estate 代理 License to follow in her Mom's footsteps.

Picture of Nilo Sorto
维护 Technician, HVAC Certified

Picture of Antwon Brooks
Antwon Brooks
维护 Technician

Picture of Theresa Brooks
Theresa Brooks, REALTOR ®


特蕾莎成年后的大部分时间都从事会计和办公室管理工作. In 2013 特蕾莎成为当地一家房地产公司的市场中心管理员. 这引发了 her interest in a career in real estate. 特蕾莎获得了房地产销售执照 她于2015年4月加入这家经纪公司.

特蕾莎是蓝丝带菲律宾十大彩票平台公司的物业经理之一. As a Texas licensed real estate agent, Theresa also helps 人 buy, sell, and lease property. 她有出色的人际交往能力,善于管理投资者的物业.

Picture of Cyndi Bird
Cyndi Bird, REALTOR ®

Cyndi’s passion for 人 can be traced back to the early 90s when she spent significant time working with her family and owning several department stores. She decided to become an independent sales representative for wholesale companies 销售 ready-to-wear, 新娘, 毕业舞会, and quinceanera dresses. 2020年,Cyndi决定恢复她在BCS地区的房地产执照. 对辛迪, the most rewarding part of the job is meeting new 人 and ensuring that each person is helped to the best of her ability. 在她的 free time, you can find her playing golf, lying by the pool, taking care of her yard, and taking care of her dogs, 鸟, 和猫.

Picture of Haleigh Rivers
Haleigh Rivers
租赁 Assistant

Meet Haleigh, born & raised in the state of Texas and a spirited member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2023. Haleigh finds joy in traveling to new places and creating memories with her family and 2 dogs, always with a Dr. Pepper in hand, of course! Currently serving as our 租赁 Assistant, Haleigh在我们办公室处理续签方面起着至关重要的作用, creating new leasing files, orchestrating seamless move-ins, 并向所有新房客伸出援助之手. In every aspect of her life, Haleigh brings a unique blend of Texas charm, 农科大学生骄傲, 并承诺为她遇到的人提供积极的体验.

Picture of 维罗妮卡 Mancilla
维罗妮卡 Mancilla
Director of First Impressions

维罗妮卡, Director of First Impressions, 是那张热情好客的脸在我们门口迎接你或接听你的电话吗. 维罗妮卡保证每次互动都是五星级的体验, 在我们的办公室里熟练地指导个人到达他们的目的地. 维罗妮卡 finds joy in various facets of life. A devoted mother, 她珍惜与女儿共度的美好时光, creating lasting memories together, 他是播客和现场音乐的狂热爱好者. Delving into her personal life, one would be intrigued to discover that 维罗妮卡 is not only skilled in orchestrating the perfect workday but also in the art of the culinary world. Contrary to the allure of takeout, 她几乎每天晚上都准备晚餐,展示了她的烹饪技巧. 维罗妮卡, the maestro of first impressions and the kitchen, 体现了专业卓越和个人激情的完美结合.

Picture of Gwen Smith
Gwen Smith, REALTOR®
Picture of Theresa Armijo
Theresa Armijo, REALTOR®
Brokerage Assistant

在房地产行业有八年的工作经验, Theresa has leveraged her platform not only to facilitate transactions but to foster meaningful relationships and forge lasting friendships. Theresa's journey as a realtor has been marked by 奉献 to building trust and rapport with clients, 在每一次互动中强调真诚联系的重要性.

Beyond the realm of real estate, Theresa harbors ambitious dreams and aspirations, 设想自己是多家成功企业的所有者. 被对创业的热情和对成功的不懈追求所驱使, 她致力于将这些梦想变为现实.

Despite her focus on the future, Theresa remains deeply rooted in the present, 珍惜与家人和朋友共度的时光.